Friday, 22 February 2008

Black Medicine jazz

Black Medicine has some cool, unidentified jazz this morning, and the sound is good enough to make the bass solo audible. I like this place (both of them, the Nicolson St one and the Marchmont Crescent one; I am writing from the latter).

… And now they're playing one of my Rolling Stones favourites, Midnight Rambler!

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Happy Hardcore

Exhumed from my musical history. All tracks are featured on Happy Hardcore 5. Merci PacĂ´me !

Mindtrust, “Ravers Groove”

Party Animals, “Hava Naquila”

Probably the cheesiest of them all, DJ Paul Estak, “Promised Land” (music starts at 3:45 approx.)

And then my favorite at the time, T-Bass & Centigrade, “Walk of Life”

Best of Trust

Cleaning my hard drive means I have to make some sacrifices within my iTunes library, and fall back on my backup drive. This selection what I think is Trust at its best was threatened, so here it is, rescued as a screenshot:

Friday, 8 February 2008

Best of Stones, my take

This a very personal selection of what I prefer in the Rolling Stones. I am too young to pronounce the sentence "It's been ten years since…" very often, but it has been ten years at least since I started listening to the Stones. You will notice that I like Keith Richards a lot, and that I like the recent stuff as well as the old. I am lazy, so this is captured directly from iTunes.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Good techno in a good mix

If you plan to get only one mix of electronic music for the coming months, get Laurent Garnier's "Excess Luggage" CD4, mixed at the Rex.

Jeff Mills' "The Bells" and Technasia's "Descent" on the same plate, what can I say? Genius!

And Garnier is also very interesting to watch live. I saw him mix with jazz in Vienne a few years ago and enjoyed it.

Monday, 4 February 2008


France Musique is currently broadcasting a track from this new release. No doubt the first composer has worked with Brian Eno.

What it means to be musically at home is when you get to listen to hundreds of different music styles, but only one or two of them make you feel you are in your element.

I happen to enjoy electronic music (from downtempo to hard techno), jazz, rock, hard rock, classical music, and a bit of other styles like world music and stuff that does not fit categories. But it's only when I listen to an ambient piano track or to a progressive rock guitar melody that I know where my ear resides.