Saturday, 26 January 2008

Daily Thrash Motion

It takes about thirty seconds to connect with very large groups of music videos on Dailymotion. “Thrash Militia” has particularly good stuff. Make sure you adjust sound volumes between videos, some of them are very quiet/loud.

You probably need to know the studio version to enjoy this:

Thursday, 24 January 2008


Yay! I just got offered "MDK," Magma's best album. I used to have this album on magnetic tape, with Agitation Free "II" on the other side. Listen to "MDK" over the sound module at Prog Archives.

To me who listens music almost solely on the MacBook or on the iPod Shuffle, a physical CD is of almost no interest. Worse, living abroad means that if I ever pack back home one day, I will have to move the CD with me; a CD is small but you have to multiply this to everything in life, and it soon amounts to tons of stuff.

The only advantage is that the CD can be put in the hi-fi and the hi-fi has a clock-timer thingee. In brief, I can wake up with Magma. I love it. Thanks B and G!

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

On Aphex Twin

The best commentary on Aphex Twin I ever read. I agree with every single word.

Monday, 14 January 2008

Recent additions

Back to blogging. Here are recent additions to my ear:

- Overkill, Taking Over (1987) -- which goes along with my Overkill craze.

- Oldelaf & Monsieur D., “Le CafĂ©” (2006) -- a hilarious track from their last album:

- Black Strobe, Burn Your Own Church (2007) -- I saw them play most tracks in Edinburgh last year at Cabaret Voltaire, and they were simply amazing. Check their excellent podcast.

- I also exhumed a lot of Rolling Stones album from my musical past, in order to build my Ultimate Best of Stones. I am not part of the Nostalgic Snobs Club and I like much of the recent stuff from Voodoo Lounge (err, 1994, fairly recent let's say, but I was already listening to it when it came out!).

- Nick Drake, Five Leaves Left (1969) -- a good pick, especially for the song “Riverman”.

- A Pink Floyd bootleg recorded in 1970-71 on the French radio Europe 1 (mistakingly referred to as Europa 1 in the bootleg). I have listened only to the first two tracks, the quality is acceptable. The last track is an orchestra version of “Atom Heart Mother” which sounds very average, I am not that impressed.

Happy New Year, Invisible Tiny Readership!